The Pavers

Oh, it's filthy in here. Garbage wall to wall,
And I don't wanna be the king of dirt no more.
Things are different.
There are people here who deserve a shiny world,
A world where innocence is a bright white tile floor.

So I'll be the bleach, I'll be the deadly disinfectant
I will destroy everything that makes you sick
And turns your pink heart black.

There is terror here, a sneaky sick belief
That I will never have the guts to make things clean.

So I'll be the bleach, I'll be the deadly disinfectant
I will destroy everything that makes you sick
And turns your pink heart black.
I'll be the bleach. I'll be the clean that makes your eyes burn.
I am here to let you know, that if you go,
And the dirty world attacks, I will bring you back.

I will bring you back.

Bleach》由The Pavers演唱,该首音乐收录在《Local 1500》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



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