The Pavers

Scary Eyes
Scary eyes where'd she get them scary eyes?
'Cause they look and they laugh, they don't cry.
Though they can be very nice, or even very very nice.
They watch me. I fall down and I die.

They make me wanna feel like I got no future.
Just leave me where I lie.
'Cause she's killed me with her scary eyes.

Busted up, how'd I get so busted up?
I don't know. Just know that I am.

All torn up, like she hit me with a cement truck.
I'd get up if I could, but I can't

There's something about the way that she don't say nothing.
Makes me understand how busted up I really am.

Oh, the hell of my pride,
Is there in her scary eyes.

Scary Eyes》由The Pavers演唱,该首音乐收录在《Local 1500》专辑中。

标签: 歌词大全



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